Friday, September 27, 2013

Cloth diapers: Why they are so much easier than most people think

Jonah has been in cloth diapers for a little over one month now. We had decided not to do cloth until he was big enough to fit into his one size diapers. We are loving his cloth diapers and can't wait to continue to use them up until he is potty trained and hopefully with our future babies. They are so simple to use. Even on the go with cloth isn't bad at all. I originally had said we would use disposables if we left the house but now I have seen that it's not hard at all to take the diapers when we go out. Yes, if we are out all day long I usually use disposables mostly because the diaper bag isn't big enough to hold enough diapers for a full day. Anyways, I wanted to do a post to explain why cloth is much easier than so many people think. 

It's not like it used to be...That's right. Cloth diapering is nothing like it used to be. You don't have to fold a towel around your baby's bottom, pin it, and cover it with waterproof bloomers. These days they offer so many different options such as pocket diapers and all in ones. Some people do choose to use prefolds and covers but today the Snappi is a great invention that makes it so you don't have to use pins to close the diaper. The pocket diapers and all in one diapers are so similar to disposables. The only difference is instead of tossing the diaper in a trash can, you toss it in a diaper pail. Of course if the diaper is dirty you have to get rid of the dirtiness before putting it into the diaper pail. This leads me to my next reason...

You don't have to touch's true, just because you cloth diaper doesn't mean you have to touch poop. Honestly, I don't have much of a problem if some of my child's poop gets on my hand. That is what hot water and antibacterial soap are for. I don't have a diaper sprayer. I just use the old fashioned dunk n flush method. Gasp! Trust me I have one clean toilet and once again I have hot water and soap. If you can't fathom the thought of getting down and dirty, a diaper sprayer is just what you need. It's a handy little sprayer that hooks right up to your toilet and sprays the diapers clean and right into the toilet. See? You never have to touch poop! 

To me, those are probably the two main things people think about when they hear those words: cloth diapers. The modern day cloth diapers really are so easy to use and they are so good for your baby. Another plus...they are so cute! I love a fluffy butt! I will eventually do a post on washing diapers and how we store our diapers. Until then, if you have any questions about cloth diapering I would love to try and help! 


  1. Very true! I cloth diapered with my daughter and somewhat with my 2nd boy and it was great. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks for linking up with It's a Mom's Life. I hope you'll join us again this coming week (starting tomorrow evening!)

    1. We love it! A cute fluffy butt is the best ;)

  2. I didn't cloth diaper, but my best friend did! She loved it!

    Thank you for linking up to It's a Mom Life...we'd love to have you back this week (starts tonight at 9pm EST).

    1. It's great! We love it. :)
      I will probably do it again this week!
